From You Make Me Brave Too, by Darryl Arrington PhD
Building on principles established in his first book, You Make Me Brave: Empowering the Shared Experience of Your Closest Relationships, with his new book, Dr. Darryl Arrington encourages parents and children to embrace a view of their shared lives that extends from childhood to the elderly years of the parent. He outlines how empowered sharing changes over a lifetime, and he explains how parents and children--who already share so much of their lives--can take advantage of their common knowledge to discover and hold on to the deeper meaning of every shared experience. Addressing the effects of challenges like mental illness, bullying, trauma, suicide, and cognitive decline, in You Make Me Brave Too: Empowering Parent-Child Sharing over a Lifetime--a National Indie Excellence Award Finalist--Dr. Arrington creates a compelling case for parents and children to continually invest in their relationship with a driven full intention to learn to share their lives in ways that create understanding, joy, and comfort--in ways that stir bravery.
From You Make Me Brave Too
Darryl Arrington, PhD
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